Rocket Lasso Live Season 3 Premiere Ep 1

Posted by Chris Schmidt on Feb 18th, 2021
intermediate Rocket Lasso Live
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We’re back for season 3! I get lots of questions about Cinema 4D from Twitter, Instagram, email, YouTube, and Slack. I’d never be able to answer them all. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to take a crack at them! Enter Rocket Lasso Live, a two-hour live stream on Twitch and YouTube where I take questions from the chat about Cinema 4D and motion graphics and answer them on the fly.

Is that not enough Cinema 4D goodness for you? I run bonus live streams on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Patreon supporters!

Season Three Episode One scene files via Patreon

3, 2, 1!

00:00:00 Rocket Lasso Live is back for season 3!

00:05:00 All new tour

Using the new R23 Mocap Data and Trails Following the Motion
00:11:37 Mocap data, then adding a little particle+Tracer rig to different body parts so that we can generate trails that can be affected by forces like Field Force.
Reference: Smoke dancer
Artist: Jason Ting

Creating a Dynamic Necklace
00:26:48 Using the Mocap and transferring the motion to the mannequin, we make a dynamic necklace out of a softbody spline and then a manually made series of dynamic cubes linked with connectors. Works well!

Displacing Bumps with Mograph and Roughing up Edges with Redshift
01:02:48 Several ways to displace up some cylinder shapes from the surface and then damage the corners using the Curvature nodes in Redshift.
Reference: ESPN CFP | Brand Film
Studio: Tendril:

Vacuum Forming III: The Return of Suction.
01:28:47 We revisit a common question but get a much better answer using some of the newer features of C4D. Using Remesh to INCREASE polycount, Smooth deformed for morphing, and the Volume Builder for blending. Quite pleased with the ideas from this one.
Instagram: Machine Pix

Originally Aired February 10th, 2021

Rocket Lasso Live is a 2 hour live show where viewers ask questions about the 3D software Cinema 4D



Software used:
Cinema 4D S22

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